Publicaciones Carlos Alberto Ramos Galarza

Funcionamiento neuropsicológico en profesionales jóvenes que consumen alcohol como actividad de esparcimiento

Actualmente es común que los profesionales jóvenes, luego de su jornada semanal de trabajo, realicen actividades de esparcimiento que implican el consumo de alcohol; hábito que estaría relacionado a alteraciones neuropsicológicas. Objetivo. Analizar el efecto del consumo de alcohol una vez por semana en el funcionamiento neuropsicológico de profesionales jóvenes. Método. Estudio transversal cuantitativo con diseño cuasi experimental. Se comparó un grupo de 30 profesionales jóvenes que consumen alcohol semanalmente con un grupo control de 32 profesionales jóvenes saludables que no consumen alcohol. Resultados. Se encontró que los adultos del grupo consumidor poseen un rendimiento menor en pruebas neuropsicológicas que valoran la flexibilidad cognitiva, iniciativa, fluidez fonológica, lectura, semejanzas, memoria viso-espacial y reconocimiento. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que el consumo de alcohol semanal genera un impacto negativo en el funcionamiento neuropsicológico de los adultos profesionales, lo cual puede producir un efecto contraproducente en los contextos en los cuales se desenvuelve. Se discuten los resultados en torno a investigaciones previas y resaltando la necesidad de identificar el efecto negativo del consumo de alcohol una vez por semana, que, si bien parecería una diversión para los adultos profesionales jóvenes, este hábito podría generar un impacto negativo en su desempeño cognitivo.

Conceptos Fundamentales En La Teoría Neuropsicológica.

En este artículo se presentan tres conceptos que son fundamentales en la formación teórica neuropsicológica: datos históricos en el estudio del cerebro humano, evaluación neuropsicológica de las funciones cerebrales y la rehabilitación neuropsicológica de las funciones cerebrales. Como datos relevantes en el desarrollo teórico del estudio del cerebro humano se hace un recorrido desdelos actos de trepanación realizados cientos de años atrás, los aportes de la frenología, los magistrales hallazgos de Broca y Wernicke, el aporte heurístico de Luria y la revolución actual que se vive con la neuro-imagen. En la evaluación neuropsicológica de funciones cerebrales se analiza el papel de las pruebas específicas, no específicas y de observación diferida en la interpretación del estado neuropsicológico del ser humano, que permiten analizar las funciones neuropsicológicas en el laboratorio y en las actividades de la vida real. Finalmente, se analiza el proceso de rehabilitación neuropsicológica de las funciones cerebrales, en donde se hace mención a los procesos de restauración, compensación, sustitución, activación-estimulación e integración, que son de gran utilidad al momento de intervenir en un cerebro que ha sufrido un daño adquirido. Se concluye afirmando que el ritmo intenso del desarrollo tecnológico y el contundente aporte científico, proponen día a día nuevas técnicas y teorías para entender los procesos de evaluación y rehabilitación del funcionamiento cerebral.

Evaluación Neuropsicológica Del Control Inhibitorio Y El Control De La Interferencia: Validación De Tareas Experimentales En El Contexto Ecuatoriano.

En este artículo se reporta un estudio en el cual se adaptó y validó tres tareas experimentales (SIMON, Go/No-Go y Stroop Victoria) para valorar el control inhibitorio y control de la interferencia en una muestra de estudiantes ecuatorianos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 estudiantes entre 6 y 15 años de edad (M=10,13 años, DE= 2,48) pertenecientes al sistema educativo público de Ecuador. El proceso que se siguió en la adaptación y validación fue mediante la traducción lingüística de los experimentos, posteriormente se siguió un juicio de expertos y un estudio piloto. En los resultados se encontró que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las medidas que valoran el control inhibitorio y de la interferencia considerando como factores de comparación las variables sociodemográficas de los participantes. En el análisis correlacional se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las mediciones de los experimentos. Se concluye analizando las asociaciones encontradas y subrayando la necesidad de continuar aportando evidencia en la línea de investigación de adaptación y validación de reactivos de uso en la evaluación neuropsicológica

Funciones Ejecutivas Y Conducta De Estudiantes Secundarios Ecuatorianos

INTRODUCCIÓN. Las funciones ejecutivas son un conjunto de habilidades mentales que permiten a un estudiante autorregular el comportamiento y la cognición. OBJETIVO. Analizar la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y la conducta de estudiantes secundarios. MÉTODO. La muestra se conformó de 250 estudiantes ecuatorianos entre 12 y 18 años de edad. Se utilizaron como medidas el instrumento EFECO, la calificación de la conducta y rendimiento académico del año lectivo 2015. En el análisis de datos se utilizó correlación de Pearson y ANOVA de una vía. RESULTADOS. Se encontró que las funciones ejecutivas: control inhibitorio (r=0,15, p=0,01); organización de materiales (r=0,22, p=0,01); monitorización (r=0,25, p=0,01); iniciativa (r=0,21, p=0,01); memoria de trabajo (r=0,21, p=0,01), y planificación (r=0,24, p=0,01), se relacionan con la conducta del estudiante secundario. CONCLUSIONES. Se discuten los resultados en torno al papel de las funciones ejecutivas en el control conductual y desempeño académico de los estudiantes secundarios de Ecuador.

Alteraciones neuropsicológicas de la memoria, la atención y el lenguaje en el síndrome postraumático craneal leve

Introduction. Mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects a large percentage of children population; it is an etiologic factor of damage, which is considered without major repercussion in neuropsychological functioning of memory, attention and, language. Sometimes, when children who have suffered TBI are medically stable, they are discharged; however, as it is presented in this research, children would not recover 100% of their premorbid skills. Method. For this study, it was worked with a longitudinal design of repeated measures in a sample of 30 children between 6 and 10 years of age (Mage = 8.53, SD = 1.45), who had suffered a TBI and were assisted in a pediatric hospital from Quito-Ecuador. Neuropsi battery, WISC-IV, and, TAR were used as neuropsychological assessments to obtain measures for memory, attention, and language, plus three clinical assessment scales that were designed as part of this study. Results. Statistically significant differences were found in indicators that assessed memory, attention, and language in different moments of measurement. Conclusions. These data suggest that children improved in some of the neuropsychological areas, however, according to clinical referential criteria, in many of them it was not successfully completed. On the other hand, deferred observation scales suggest that parents perceive their children did not achieve a complete recovery after the TBI. Finally, we reflect on the need to provide adequate neuropsychological monitoring, in order to help children suffering from this type of TBI to recover to the highest possible level.

Stress And Productivity In Workers Of Textile Companies

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between two psychological factors which are occupation stress and productivity, that influence workers immerse into textile production labor context. Design/methodology/approach – This study has a quantitative methodology, is cross-sectional, nonexperimental and with an explicative scope. Findings – The results of this research allow to identify that occupational stress levels cause a negative impact on worker’s productivity in the textile production area. Research limitations/implications – There are two limitations in this study, first is the participant’s subjectivity when filling the questionnaires because it was self-reported and the second limitation is that the sample is specifically from a city of a South American country. Practical implications – The results of this investigation show as an evidence the need for psychological intervention within companies for occupational stress, because it will impact in a negative way the textile production of a company, which will guide future research making possible to develop and apply psychological treatment programs pro employee’s mental health. Social implications – A textile company with low productivity will bring strong economic losses and even bankruptcy, although, thanks to this study it was possible to identify that occupational stress will have a negative impact in productivity, drawing an important based line to future research, looking to improve worker’s performance and hence, companies’ profits contributing to social economic processes.

Analysis Of Organizational Power Networks Through A Holistic Approach Using Consensus Strategies

Power is one of the most complex organizational attributes to understand due to the multiple related variables and dimensions in which it appears. The ownership and use and of power are reflected in the interpersonal relationships within an organization, as a result, modeling its structure and interactions can lead to knowledge about the power networks that shape it. The objective of this study was to identify the behavior of organizational networks based on existing sources of power, using a consensual analysis of the different topologies present in these networks. The study was carried out in a private production company in Ecuador, which has representation at a domestic level. To this end, a 12-question personalized questionnaire was designed with the aim of identifying specific networks and was applied to 1190 workers in the company. The results were obtained using organizational network analysis and a consensus strategy to integrate the centralities found in multiple networks into one. This study can serve as a reference to organizations, so they can know the relationships between people within it, as part of their management process. In this way, the identification of people within power networks is useful for knowing the “key” actors in the promotion of organizational changes, as well as for the development of career plans based on the position that people occupy in the organizational system.

Efeco Scale For Assessing Executive Functions In Self-Report Format

El cuestionario EFECO es un instrumento que permite valorar las funciones ejecutivas desde una perspectiva ecológica, ya que se basa en el reporte conductual de la vida diaria del sujeto. El objetivo de la investigación fue validar el cuestionario EFECO en un formato de autoreporte. Participaron 250 adolescentes ecuatorianos entre 13 y 18 años de edad (Medad=16.23, DE=1.73). Se encontraron resultados significativos en consistencia interna (α=.64-.95), correlación entre ítems (r=.32-.62), correlación entre subescalas (r=.40-.76), análisis factorial confirmatorio de dos factores (x 2 =38.87, CFI=.98, RMSEA=.06 [.035-.094], SRMR=.027) y capacidad discriminante en monitorización, flexibilidad cognitiva, organización de materiales, iniciativa, memoria de trabajo y planificación de adolescentes con diferente rendimiento académico. Se discuten los resultados en relación a estudios previos y bajo la importancia de contar con un instrumento con validez ecológica para evaluar funciones ejecutivas.

The Relationship Between Forms Of Recognition And Organizational Values Congruence: An Explanatory Model For The Ecuadorian Public Sector

La relación entre el reconocimiento y los valores organizacionales resulta relevante por las acciones a implementar vinculadas con aspectos motivacionales. El objetivo propuesto fue elaborar un modelo explicativo de relaciones entre estos elementos, para el sector público ecuatoriano. Para ello se aplicó un inventario en dos Ministerios (N=402), con alcance nacional. El modelo final tuvo buenos índices de ajuste, permitiendo explicar cómo los valores afectan al reconocimiento actual, el que por su vez afecta al reconocimiento deseado.

Autogestión del aprendizaje del universitario: un aporte en su construcción teórica

Esta revisión tiene como objetivo aportar en la construcción teórica del proceso de autogestión del aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios. Para este propósito, se han incluido estudios relacionados con la motivación, estrategias de aprendizaje y claves positivas de aprendizaje que aseguran el éxito académico, teniendo en cuenta los desafíos para los profesores y estudiantes del siglo XXI. Se concibe el aprendizaje como un proceso a través del cual se consiguen o modifican no solo conocimientos, sino también habilidades, conductas y valores. Todo este logro y avance es un efecto del estudio, la experiencia, la instrucción, el razonamiento y la observación que se vive en el aula en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje (García, Del Toro, Cisneros, Querts, & Cascaret, 2017). Tomando en cuenta la independencia y autonomía que muestra el estudiante universitario, se puede pensar que el aprendizaje a este nivel trasciende esta definición, ya que cada estudiante tendrá factores tanto internos como externos que influirán en el éxito académico obtenido durante su recorrido en la universidad (Torrano, Fuentes, & Soria, 2017).

Revisión sistemática sobre instrumentos de autorregulación del aprendizaje diseñados para estudiantes

Ese estudio tuvo por objetivo caracterizar los instrumentos de medida sobre autorregulación del aprendizaje diseñados para estudiantes de distintos niveles educativos. Se usó la metodología de revisión sistemática de la literatura para identificar los estudios cuantitativos de tipo instrumental. Los hallazgos dan cuenta del instrumento (nombre, dimensiones, confiabilidad, tipo, formato de respuesta), población de validación (tamaño, país, nivel educativo), además las limitaciones respecto del instrumento. Este estudio es un aporte para investigadores de la promoción del aprendizaje autorregulado.

The role of inhibitory control in the ability to solve problems of university students. el rol del control inhibitorio en la habilidad para resolver problemas de estudiantes universitarios

The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of inhibitory control in the ability to solve problems of university students. The sample consisted of 90 young people with typical development (M = 20.58, SD= 1.27), 39 females (43.33%) and 51 males (56.7%). The Stroop and the Anillas' Test tasks were applied as instruments. As results, it was found a directly proportional and predictive relationship between inhibitory control and problem-solving of university students (correlation between: r= .34 and .47, p= <.01; prediction: r2= .14, F(1,88)= 13.88, p= <.01). It concludes by reflecting on the contribution of conscious control to solve problems faced by the university student on a day-to-day basis in an efficient way and invites future research in order to train inhibitory control.

Development and validation of a brief scale to assess attachment in adults: psychometric analysis in latin america. desarrollo y validación de una escala breve para valorar el apego en adultos: análisis psicométrico en américa latina

Assessment of the adult attachment in the Latin American context as a research line is not yet solved. This study has the aim to present the results of the development and validation of a scale to assess the adult attachment. The sample was composed of 1563 participants aged between 17 and 33 years from Chile and Ecuador. This scale was formed by 14 items, which allowed the assessment of secure attachment, avoidant attachment, and ambivalent attachment. Results are as following: (a) the scale presented an adequate internal consistency for secure attachment α=.73 and ω=.82, avoidant α=.58 and ω=.70, and ambivalent α=.69 and ω=.73; (b) adequate convergent validity with sense of coherence (r=.34 and .43, p=< .001); (c) the exploratory factor analysis kept up the items’ organization developed KMO=.77, x2=4133.91, p=<.001; and, (d) the confirmatory factor analysis presented a good fit with three items for each attachment type x2(24)=136.28, p=<.001, CFI=.95, RMSEA=.05(.04–.06), SRMR=.03. Findings of psychometric properties are discussed, highlighting the contribution of this scale in the Latin American context and its relationship with previous research. Keywords: secure attachment, avoidant attachment, ambivalent attachment, psychometric properties, attachment scale.

Desempeño en funciones ejecutivas de adultos mayores: relación con su autonomía y calidad de vida. executive functions performance in old adults: relationship with autonomy and quality of life

A lo largo del ciclo vital, el ser humano es capaz de controlar de manera consciente sus pensamientos, emociones y conducta de manera que se ajusten a las demandas del entorno, lo que se va perdiendo con la vejez, afectando la vida independiente y autónoma de las personas, impactando negativamente su calidad de vida. El propósito de esta revisión es determinar las funciones ejecutivas que se ven más deterioradas con el paso de los años. Se usó el método de revisión narrativa para recopilar los artículos que abordaban la relación entre funciones ejecutivas y calidad de vida en adultos mayores sin daño cognitivo grave. Los resultados muestran que las funciones ejecutivas que más se afectan con los años son la atención, memoria operativa y fluidez verbal, implicadas en la búsqueda y actualización de información; flexibilidad cognitiva, responsable de generar modificaciones en la conducta, pensamiento y razonamiento, fundamentales en el funcionamiento cognitivo eficiente. Además, se reporta un enlentecimiento en el razonamiento, déficit inhibitorio, déficit de trasmisión y sensorio-perceptivo. Se concluye que las funciones ejecutivas son sensibles al proceso de envejecimiento y afectan progresivamente la autonomía y calidad de vida de los adultos mayores. Se cree relevante generar programa de mantenimiento de estas funciones cognitivas, como una formar de promover un envejecimiento exitoso.

The impact of a technological intervention program on learning mathematical skills

Learning mathematics is a challenge in the current educational context. This is demonstrated by a high percentage of students who both fail to develop these numerical-type skills and have a low academic performance. This research performs a quasi-experiment to develop mathematical skills and knowledge. The sample consisted of 54 students (20 female and 34 male) between 10 and 14 years old (Mage = 11.11, SD = .79) organized into two groups. First, an experimental group (N = 26) that received a technological intervention of learning virtual objects and second, a control group (N = 28). The results shown a statistical significant interaction between the experimental group and the post-test, which suggests that the intervention improves the skills to solve root exercises F(1, 52) = 10.41, p = .002, η2 = .17, with a significant main effect F(1, 52) = 1184.02, p = <.001, η2 = .96. The knowledge of root exercises problem-solving variable has no meaningful interaction with the intervention F(1, 52) = 2.14, p = .15, η2 = .04. Nevertheless, there was a direct effect between the pre- and post-test measurement differences and the intragroup factor F(1, 52) = 17.95, p = <.001, η2 = .26. The results are discussed about the benefit generated by the use of virtual learning objects in favor of developing mathematical skills and based on previously published studies.

Validación del cuestionario olc (organizational learning culture) en organizaciones ecuatorianas

The Organizational Learning Culture Questionnaire (OCL) was developed at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) to measure the culture in organizational environments. The goal of this study is to validate the OLC questionnaire in Ecuadorian organizations, for its application in researches about learning culture. Thus, the first version of the 30- question questionnaire was used and applied to a heterogeneous sample of 193 workers from various organizations (6: 1 ratio). The OLC questionnaire was subject to content validation, making an exploratory factor analysis (15 items, 2 factors, variance=58.6%) and a confirmatory analysis with good adjustment measures (PCFI=.824; RMSEA= 049; CFI=.972). To assess the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach's alpha was used (aexternal adaptation=.889 y ainternal integration=.873). These results demonstrate that the OLC Ecuador questionnaire is valid for the analyzed context

Drivers of technology readiness and motivations for consumption in explaining the tendency of consumers to use technology-based services

This study aimed to identify the way in which the optimism and innovativeness of consumers (drivers of technology readiness) affect their tendency to use technology-based services, an area that merits additional research. The study was conducted in two phases in Quito, Ecuador. In the first phase, three services were selected to be studied: online shopping, online banking, and online music streaming. In the second phase, the hypotheses were tested with a random sample of 754 adults. The results were consistent in the three structural equation models (one for each service). Optimism acts indirectly, through the mediation of hedonic and utilitarian motivations. Innovativeness acts through a similar indirect channel, but it also acts directly. One of the marketing implications of this study is that simply concentrating on consumer attitudes towards technology is not enough, since it is necessary to consider their indirect effects on the tendency to use a service.

Futbolistas Talentosos, El Gran Secreto Está En El Cerebro: La Gran Tragedia Del Marshal Y La Suerte De Los Magos Con Un Sistema Nervioso Indemne

En trabajos anteriores hemos presentado análisis de casos salidos de películas fascinantes para el ojo del neuropsicólogo.1,2,3 En la propuesta para este trabajo y continuando con esta línea de investigación, ponemos en vuestra consideración un análisis crítico del rol de las funciones cerebrales en uno de los deportes más fascinantes, el fútbol. Para lograr un acercamiento a este análisis, se profundiza en el daño cerebral adquirido sufrido por el gran futbolista Salvador Cabañas y el papel de las funciones cerebrales de alta complejidad que permiten a los futbolistas mágicos brillar en este deporte. En las próximas líneas se presenta la descripción de lo que era Cabañas antes y después de su accidente cerebral adquirido, para después analizar las funciones cerebrales que se activan en jugadores brillantes como Messi o Ronaldinho. Finalizamos este artículo enviando un mensaje de reflexión sobre el papel del cerebro en las diversas actividades que realizamos los humanos y lo catastrófico que se vuelve el día a día cuando nuestra masa encefálica se daña y como producto de esta condición, el individuo puede llegar a perderlo todo.

virtual assistants and its implementation in the teaching-learning process

Nowadays, technological advances encompass realities that in the last century were possible just as fantasies. Society lives now in a technological era where education must look for the path and tools to get the benefits that these advances offer, as well as the technological innate abilities that have been developed in students of this generation, who have been nominated as digital natives. For 2017 the capacities and use of virtual assistants have been significantly expanded, new products are offered in the market, although, these assistants are sub-used with basic functions solely, not taking into account the offered benefits. The present work aims to describe the different virtual assistants that could be used as an educational tool contributing to the teaching-learning process

Technology in favor of disability: prevalence study in Ecuador

People with disabilities and special needs are very important part of the society, their needs have not been covered over time. Globalization and technological development helped identify the importance of various groups with disabilities. In Ecuador, this identification allows this social group to be visible and particularly people with visual disabilities, who represent approximately 11% of the population with disabilities. The objective of this research is to identify Ecuador’s cities that maintain a higher prevalence of people with disabilities. To comply with the study, a descriptive analysis was conducted from public information about people registered by the authorized government control body. Obtaining this information makes it possible to establish a baseline of attention with real data, which allows getting a greater focus on the development of this social group and the attention they should receive.

Long-distance relationships: use of technology advances in communication, idealization and satisfaction

Long distance romantic relationships are becoming more and more common nowadays. There can be various concrete reasons that are the causes for this occurrence, among the most common, the pursuit of career opportunities, educational goals, military service, and migratory issues. The aim of this study is answering the question: how is possible to maintain this kind of relationship? This is explained from two variables: the first one refers to the technology advances which help the communication and the second one studied from the psychological periscope, the romantic idealization. It is approach the perception of this new type of relationships in the general population. Understanding technology influences in human life could help to develop more technological advances to the people to feel closer and to keep healthy relationships with themselves and the others, as well, it could bring lights to counseling and psychological therapy.

Rehabilitation of children affected by attention deficit disorder

This paper presents the conceptual development of a technological application for the treatment of children with attention deficit disorder (ADD). This technological application will consist on serious-gaming to stimulate the different levels of attention. The first level is focused in attention and stimulates it by identifying stimuli through tactile interaction with the user. The second level is selective attention, for which, the child must select a stimulus leaving the irrelevant stimuli aside. The third level will work on sustained attention, where the child must fulfill a game with a longer duration. The next level will contain an activity to stimulate alternating attention, where the child must solve two tasks by alternating the focus of attention. Finally, for the divided attention, it must be resolved two tasks at the same time. With this application it is expected to improve the child’s motivation in the treatment and provide an intervention tool for the clinician.

Estructura factorial del sentido de coherencia y su relación de apego

El sentido de coherencia se conforma por tres factores: comprensibilidad, manejabilidad y significatividad. En la investigación se analizó su estructura factorial a partir de la escala SOC-29 y su relación con de apego. Se plantearon tres hipótesis para valorar la confiabilidad, validez convergente y estructura factorial. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 445 participantes. El análisis estadístico se basó en técnicas descriptivas, alfa de Cronbach, correlación de Pearson y análisis factorial confirmatorio. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencias en favor de las hipótesis, con una consistencia interna de α=.82, una correlación significativa de apego r=.27 a .83 y un ajuste aceptable del modelo x2=1275.88, CFI=.85, RMSEA=.07 [.06-.07], SRMR=.04. Terminado el estudio, se ha destacado la importancia del cambio lingüístico realizado para adaptar la escala al contexto ecuatoriano; se mencionan dos limitaciones importantes referentes a su aplicación como autorrelato y la localización geográfica, a considerar para trabajos posteriores.

Escala De Observación Clínica Para Valorar La Tercera Unidad Funcional De La Teoría De Luria: Eocl-1.

El modelo de organización cerebral de Luria propone la interacción de tres unidades funcionales para comprender el trabajo que realiza el cerebro humano. La primera de ellas se encarga de la regulación del tono y la vigilia. La segunda de recibir, procesar y almacenar la información. La tercera, y de central interés de la investigación, se encarga de programar, ejecutar y verificar la actividad mental. Para valorar esta teoría se han desarrollado una serie de test neuropsicológicos experimentales, no obstante, no se ha propuesto una escala que, en base a los preceptos teóricos de la tercera unidad funcional, permita valorarla basada en la observación clínica de las conductas de la vida diaria del ser humano. En esta investigación se propone una escala que permita al clínico valorar las habilidades mentales asociadas con la capacidad de programar, ejecutar y verificar la forma más compleja de actividad mental; integradas en la tercera unidad funcional de Luria. Se discute la propuesta realizada, en base al beneficio que se genera el contar con una escala que permitirá valorar esta teoría, en los diferentes ambientes donde se desenvuelve el individuo mediante la acción de las habilidades cerebrales de la tercera unidad funcional.

Fundamentos Neurobiológicos Del Sueño. Neurobiological Basis Of Sleep

El sueño es una de las conductas más importantes para la cognición del ser humano. Tiene entre 4 a 6 ciclos que se caracterizan por presentar diferente actividad electromagnética que hace que se presente una determinada actividad cerebral en cada una de ellas. Cuando el patrón del sueño se afecta, se presentan alteraciones en la vida diaria del sujeto que lo padece, generando un impacto negativo en las actividades que realiza en el medio personal, familiar y social. En este artículo se reporta una revisión teórica del sueño, su actividad eléctrica durante cada una de sus fases, los trastornos del sueño y el impacto de los trastornos del sueño en la vida del individuo. Se concluye resaltando el rol de mantener un equilibrio en el patrón de sueño como un beneficio para la vida diaria del sujeto.

Critical Status Of Research In Ecuadorian Psychology: The Abandonment Of Statistics As A Basis Of Scientific Production

This article reports a study that analyzed the role of statistics in the scientific production of Ecuadorian psychology based on a mixed methodology study. The sample included 410 participants (students and professionals of different cities of Ecuador). The findings on the quantitative phase included that liking and mastering statistical processes increase the probability of publishing a scientific article. Moreover, when negative belief variables and anxiety related to statistics have a higher score, the mastery of statistical processes and its use for the job of the psychologist decrease. On the qualitative phase, a significance emerged that allowed to better understand quantitative data, and to develop categories on statistics erroneous' believes, procedures, a negative predisposition towards learning statistics and others. The paper concludes by analyzing the scientific reality of Ecuadorian psychology and the need to carry out longitudinal research where it will be possible to restructure subjective constructions on the role of statistics in psychology.

Psychometric Properties Of Adhd Rating Scale In School Context

Background: The ADHD Rating Scale IV (ADHD RS IV) is one of the most commonly used scales in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessment. Its psychometric properties have been studied in contexts including Europe and North America, however, in Latin America, there is shortage of empirical evidence about validity or reliability reported by teachers on a scholar context. The aim of the research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ADHD RS IV based on the behavior of students reported by teachers. Material/methods: Three hundred and forty-five students voluntarily participated in this study (162 men and 183 women), aged between 5 and 15 years (Mage = 10.43, SD = 3.61). As instruments of measurement ADHD RS IV, Perception of Differences Test and Go / No-Go experiment were used. Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation and confirmatory factor analysis were applied and analyzed. Results: In the results it was found that internal consistency coefficient of RS IV ADHD is between .93 and .97. There is a significant statistically correlation between the scale and the number of successes points in the Perception of Differences Test (r = -.55, p = < .001) and mistakes to stimuli no-go (r = .34, p = .002). The classic ADHD model of two factors had good indicators of goodness of fit x2(101) = 321.40, p < .001; CFI = .96; RMSEA = .08 (.07 to .09) and SRMR = .04.

Inhibitory Control And Symptomatology Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Background. Inhibitory control has been described as a factor causing difficulties in the regulation present in the ADHD. Objective. The aim was to analyze the relationship between inhibitory control and symptoms of ADHD in a sample of 81 subjects diagnosed with ADHD (Mage=10.05, SD=2.53). Methods. A quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational scope research was carried out. The instruments used were the ADHD RS IV and SIMON experiment. Correlation inferential statistical regression and regression processes were applied. Results. Three regression models were tested, where inhibitory control presents a significant prediction with the (a) attention deficit F (1,79) =20.69, p= < .01, R =.14. Conclusions. The findings suggest that inhibitory control is one of the main executive functions that determines the degree of affectation of the symptomatology of the child population with ADHD.

Efectos del ajedrez en el funcionamiento neuropsicológico infantil de la memoria de trabajo y la planificación

Introducción. El ajedrez es un deporte y juego que beneficia en la etapa infantil a distintas capacidades cognitivas por sus acciones de movimiento de piezas, reglas de juego, toma de decisiones y resolución de problemas. Objetivo. En este artículo se reporta una investigación que analiza el beneficio del ajedrez en la memoria de trabajo y planificación de niños y niñas entre 7 y 11 años (Medad = 9.00, DE = 1.08). Método. El diseño seguido es de un estudio de tipo transversal comparativo con 30 niños ajedrecistas vs. 30 niños no ajedrecistas. Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las comparaciones entre los grupos en: Laberinto de Porteus t(58)=2.38, p=.02, d=.30; ENFEN t(58)= 3.53, p=.001, d=.42, Senderos en color t(58)= 2.26, p=.03, d=.28 y Prueba de Anillas t(58)= 2.35, p=.02, d=.29. En el cuestionario de observación clínica dirigido a los padres, no se encontraron diferencias significativas. Discusión. La práctica de ajedrez genera un impacto positivo en favor del desempeño de las funciones ejecutivas de planificación y memoria de trabajo. Se discuten los resultados en torno a investigaciones previas y subrayando el impacto positivo que produce la actividad de ajedrez en la memoria de trabajo y la planificación

Improve accessibility and visibility of selected university websites

Currently, there are millions of websites, but not all of them are accessible and visible in search engines, and in the different devices and technologies used. The purpose of this research is to 1) suggest an accessibility evaluation model according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 standards; 2) correlate Webometrics and SCImago rankings to improve visibility, and 3) determine whether an accessible website can improve visibility. As a case study, the authors applied to 30 web pages from Latin American universities. The results indicate that although an educational institution is in the first rankings of the Webometrics and SCImago classification, they do not necessarily satisfy web accessibility requirements. This study can be a guide for the definition of institutional efforts to improve accessibility and visibility in the design of more inclusive and visible websites.

Designing accessible maps on mobile devices for blind and visually impaired users

Currently, there is a high percentage of people with visual disabilities worldwide. Sometimes, these people do not have access to the information of online geographic maps. A traditional map published on the Web does not provide the necessary alternative information for people with visual disabilities. This research presents a mobile application with geographic maps that provides the information in audio format to blind and visually impaired users. The application uses the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG Tiny) format that allows additional information to be stored within the map code. SVG Tiny provides to screen readers the content inside of map code to transform text to audio. The tests were carried out through accessibility assessment tools, which showed a level of accessibility greater than 90%. In addition, tests were carried out with blind people, who were satisfied with the level of accessibility of the mobile application.

Development of video games to improve the learning of data structures

Computer engineering students have little interest in striving to understand the fundamentals of developing data structures at the origins of computing. In order to improve the learning of the Data Structure course, a strategy has been established for students to develop a simple video game in which the implementation of AVL trees, queues, and stacks shows the importance of using data structures during the development of computational applications. This work suggests a method to stimulate the learning of the essential elements of the software through the development of video games to emphasize the importance of the use of Data Structures. The students involved in this practice used graphic tools to represent the insertion and deletion operations that are performed on three types of Data Structures: AVL Tree, queue and stack.

Mobile app for psycho-statistics learning

The requirements to complete the curricula for psychology students has a nodal point which has not yet been solved, it is the acquirement of statistical analyses competences. In this sense, the present work represents the creative development of a mobile application for teaching statistics to Psychology students and professionals. Taking into account this problem and based on the technological use that a mobile cellphone has, our proposal as technological innovation is to create series of mobile applications, for Android and IOS, addressing students and professionals in this science that would like to conduct statistical analyses with high quality competences. In this first mobile application proposed, descriptive statistics will be taught, and it will have various stages with sub-components to interact with the user of the app.

Literacy toy for enhancement phonological awareness: a longitudinal study

In this report it is presented the results of a longitudinal pre-experimental study, it was realized a technological intervention to stimulate the phonological awareness through a tangible reading toy based on the RFID technology, consisting of a teddy bear and 30 letters in 3D from the Spanish alphabet. This study started with a sample of 200 children, from them, there were selected 17 children aged between 6 and 7 years (M age = 6.47, SD = .51) with a phonological disorder from an educative institution. The procedure consisted of obtaining pre-test and post-test values with the Evaluation of Phonological Awareness (PECFO). Sampling inclusion criteria considered children presenting problems of phonemes’ recognition and its relationship with graphemes. During 30 weeks it was realized an intervention with the technological toy and at the end of the sessions, it was applied the post-test. Results of phonological awareness showed statically significant differences among the pre (M = 12.88, SD = 3.53) and post-test (M = 17.17, SD = 2.96) this contributes to the empirical evidence of the intervened group improvement in this cognitive function t(16) = −3.67, p = .002. From this research it is projected proposing technological innovations contributing in the treatment of children’s cognitive difficulties.

Análisis neurofutbolístico de loris karius: de la gloria al infierno

En el contexto futbolístico se han presentado errores garrafales que han costado caro a los equipos. A veces se presentan por nervios o desconcentración, no obstante, según nuestro ojo clínico, en ocasiones el cerebro juega una mala pasada y su mal funcionamiento, producto de un traumatismo craneoencefálico sucedido en el mismo juego, es quien determina el marcador de un encuentro. Esto es lo sucedido al portero del Liverpool en la final de la Champions League 2018, quien, desde nuestra reflexión neuro futbolística, tuvo errores que le costaron el partido, por una afectación de la vía magnocelular cerebral que permite procesar la información perceptivo visual espacial. En el artículo presentado, reflexionamos sobre su estado cerebral antes y después del traumatismo sufrido y resaltamos que, un futbolista que está despierto y expresando que puede continuar, no necesariamente es un individuo con su cerebro conservado, ya que puede ser solo una parte de su masa encefálica la que habla, pero, como se ve en Karius, no obstante, otras silentes pueden haberse alterado. Cerramos el trabajo resaltando la necesidad de incorporar los conocimientos neuropsicológicos para la comprensión del efecto de un traumatismo en el campo del juego, ya que de este trabajo se ratifica que, el ser humano no juega al fútbol con las piernas o las manos, lo hace con su cerebro.

Análisis neuropsicológico de un caso con anosognosia

La anosognosia es un trastorno neuropsicológico que genera en el paciente una incapacidad para tener un estado de conciencia pleno sobre su enfermedad o déficit, producto de una injuria cerebral. En este artículo reportamos el análisis de un caso que producto de un traumatismo craneoencefálico presentó esta alteración cerebral. El análisis neuropsicológico inicia con la descripción clínica del caso, su estado premórbido, el relato familiar del estado actual y un análisis neuropsicológico que sustenta la hipótesis diagnóstica de anosognosia. Se discute el caso presentado en base a la necesidad de realizar diagnósticos precisos y proponer programas de rehabilitación neuropsicológica para que los pacientes con anosognosia sufran el menor impacto posible en las actividades de su vida diaria producto del trastorno cerebral adquirido.

Technological innovation to assess cognitive functions in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The development of a neuropsychological assessment procedure through a technological platform for children with ADHD. This platform is based on Python programming language, where stimuli have been inserted and, to which, children evaluated must respond freely (letters P), and others to which must inhibit his/her responses (letters R), using an adapted button box (greater attraction for children with ADHD). Variables of interest to the clinician are (a) number of responses to impulse control stimuli, (b) total time of execution of the task, (c) time in milliseconds from the moment when the stimulus is presented until getting a response from the child, and (d) total answers made. This study was applied in children with ADHD versus children without the disorder, finding that children with ADHD presented a mean error of M = 5.05 while children without ADHD M = 3.42.

Mobile technological apps to improve frontal lobe functioning

The technological proposal here elaborated consists of a cellphone app denominated Mind & Brain which encompasses subcomponents that allow the compensation of each frontal lobe function. In the component of planning, for example, this application allows a person to have an electronic diary to set daily activities to accomplish and will have the opportunity to set reminders and alarms with the patient´s own voice about the activities that must achieve in that specific day. For emotional regulation, the person will be able to be in control of every emotion and reaction. In monitoring, the subject must follow verbal instructions to solve successfully a problem, previously inserted. For decision making, the app will identify the possible consequences of choosing one or another option. With this technological innovation, people with any frontal lobe disorder will improve their quality of life.

Technology in favor of disability: prevalence study in ecuador

People with disabilities and special needs are very important part of the society, their needs have not been covered over time. Globalization and technological development helped identify the importance of various groups with disabilities. In Ecuador, this identification allows this social group to be visible and particularly people with visual disabilities, who represent approximately 11% of the population with disabilities. The objective of this research is to identify Ecuador’s cities that maintain a higher prevalence of people with disabilities. To comply with the study, a descriptive analysis was conducted from public information about people registered by the authorized government control body. Obtaining this information makes it possible to establish a baseline of attention with real data, which allows getting a greater focus on the development of this social group and the attention they should receive.

Relationship between technological resources and meaningful learning in secondary students

Technological resources have as a goal to facilitate knowledge acquisition, storage, and use, to achieve the results proposed in the teaching-learning process and to obtain meaningful learning. The research proposed as following is based on a correlational methodology, which is oriented towards the improvement of the teaching-learning process and has as aim, to study the relationship between technological resources and meaningful learning of students belonging to high-school level. Results obtained are as following: (a) higher availability of technological resources produce an increase of knowledge acquisition (r = 0.42, p =< 0.001) and (b) while there is higher scientific literature available, students’ skills will be higher too (r = 0.53, p =< 0.001).

Virtual learning objects’ of math educative process

Nowadays, we are facing rapid educational and technological era, therefore there is increased need to highlight the connection for teachers to rediscover improved teaching-learning processes. The actual educative processes are being developed in virtual learning environments, offering flexible, far reaching distance learning, and better tools for teachers and students in the 2.0 web, this has allowed discovering countless opportunities to improve learning environments, offering students an education that responds to the reality where they can flourish, innovate and develop. The present research brings up as its objective the analysis of the implementation of virtual learning objects in learning math, and as a result, the creation of an innovator technological proposal in the process of teaching-learning.

Evaluación De Las Habilidades De La Corteza Prefrontal: La Escala Efeco Ii-Vc Y Ii-Vr. Evaluation Of The Skills Of The Prefrontal Cortex: The Efeco Ii-Vc And Ii-Vr

The pre-frontal cortex is the basis of the most complex mental abilities of human development. In its evaluation process, the EFECO scale provides an important contribution to assess its status. In previous investigations this scale has been studied with its configuration of 67 items, narrative focused on the deficit and evaluation of 8 executive functions. This research presents a new version of the scale, centered on its narrative in executive ability, proposed items to assess executive verification function and a summarized version of 42 items. The study included 118 healthy adults between 18 and 25 years of age (Mage = 20.72, SD = 1.65). In the results it was found that the EFECO II-VC scale (modified and complete version) obtained as internal consistency α = .96 and its sub-scales internal consistency between α = .64 and .81. The EFECO II-VR scale (modified and summarized version) obtained α = .94 and its sub[1]scales between α = .68 and .79. The internal consistency of the factors in which the executive functions are included were adequate: the supervisory system of cognition II-VC α = .93 and II-VR α = .70, while the supervisor system of behavior II- VC α = .93 and II-VR α = .81. The correlations between the executive functions assessed with both scales were between medium and large r = .36 and .94. The work is closed discussing the clinical and scientific contribution of the modification of the EFECO scale.

Las Funciones Ejecutivas Del Lóbulo Frontal Y Su Asociación Con El Desempeño Académico De Estudiantes De Nivel Superior

Las funciones ejecutivas (FE) son un conjunto de destrezas mentales asociadas al lóbulo frontal del cerebro humano que permiten regular el comportamiento, metacognición y emociones; ejecutando un control consciente del propio pensamiento. Su desarrollo es progresivo a lo largo del ciclo vital del ser humano, por lo tanto, se ven involucradas en el desarrollo social, emocional y académico de las personas. Existen estudios que afirman que el rendimiento académico se ve influenciado por el nivel de desarrollo de las FE (control inhibitorio, memoria de trabajo, flexibilidad cognitiva, monitorización y autorregulación), cuya relación ha sido progresivamente estudiada en diversos rangos etarios y niveles educativo

Efectos Neuropsicológicos Por El Consumo De Marihuana En Adultos Jóvenes

La marihuana es una de las sustancias psicoactivas más consumidas por la población joven, esta sustancia puede ocasionar distintas afecciones clínicas, incluidas las alteraciones neuropsicológicas. Este artículo presenta una investigación que analizó la influencia del consumo de marihuana en las funciones neuropsicológicas de atención, memoria y funciones ejecutivas, en un grupo de 16 jóvenes (8 hombres y 8 mujeres) que mantienen un consumo regular-recreativo e intensivo-habitual de dicha sustancia (Medad= 23,38; SD= 1,78), al compararse con un grupo de 16 jóvenes (8 hombres y 8 mujeres) que no consumen marihuana (Medad= 22,25; SD= 1,92). Los resultados indican que el consumo regular-recreativo e intensivo-habitual de marihuana en jóvenes provoca alteraciones en las funciones de atención selectiva y sostenida, memoria a corto plazo y largo plazo, memoria de trabajo, planificación, flexibilidad mental y control inhibitorio. Se realiza una discusión de los resultados tomando en cuenta investigaciones previas, destacando principalmente los efectos perjudiciales que el consumo de marihuana provocaría en las funciones cognitivas estudiadas, y que por lo general no son reconocidos o son minimizados por los jóvenes que consumen marihuana.

Teletrabajo en tiempos de covid-19

COVID-19 as a global pandemic had consequences at the health level, but also at the social level, since as a consequence of preventing its spread, governments took measures that affected work, adopting teleworking as an alternative to be able to continue with work activities from home. This study analyzes the characteristics of teleworking and its impact on the perception of productivity and well-being of people who are in social isolation due to COVID-19. The study was conducted in Ecuador, in a sample of 459 people who answered an online questionnaire. The results found show that there are aspects that affect productivity, such as working long hours, personal skills, specifically self-motivation and organizational skills, and mental health. With this research, a better understanding of the situation of teleworking in confinement due to COVID-19 is achieved, allowing both individuals and organizations to develop resources so that work from home is successful and people feel satisfied while this situation lasts

Las Funciones Ejecutivas Y La Regulación Del Aprendizaje De Universitarios

Esta investigación realizó un análisis correlacional entre las funciones ejecutivas (conducta con iniciativa, capacidad para la planificación y la capacidad para supervisar y monitorizar la cognición) y la autorregulación del aprendizaje (gestión de la planificación y gestión de la motivación) en una muestra de 203 estudiantes universitarios entre 18 y 25 años de edad (Medad = 20.53, DE = 1.77), 109 hombres (53.7%) y 94 mujeres (47.3%). En los resultados se encontraron relaciones significativas entre: gestión de la motivación y capacidad para la planificación (r = .49, p = <.001), gestión de la motivación y conducta con iniciativa (r = .464, p = <.001), gestión de la planificación y capacidad para supervisar y monitorizar la cognición (r = .51, p = <.001). No se encontraron diferencias significativas al comparar las variables dependientes según el género o estado civil (t(201) = .07, p =.79), lateralidad (t(201)= 1.46, p =.22), género o carrera (x2(203) =11.88, p =.04) y tiempo de estudio (x2 (203) = 1.55, p =.46). Como conclusión, se sugiere que las funciones ejecutivas tienen una correlación moderada con el aprendizaje de los universitarios, mismas que en conjunto con la autorregulación del aprendizaje, aportan de manera significativa, para que el universitario presente un mejor rendimiento académico. Se cierra el reporte, resaltando la necesidad de realizar más investigaciones en esta temática para el beneficio de los universitarios.

Propuesta De Una Escala De Valoración De Las Funciones Ejecutivas En Universitarios

Introducción. Las funciones ejecutivas constituyen un conjunto de procesos cognitivos, afectivos y motivacionales que permiten el control consciente del pensamiento, el desarrollo de tareas de gran complejidad y la facilitación a la adaptación de nuevas situaciones como es característico en el contexto universitario. Objetivo. Proponer una escala que valore las funciones ejecutivas en el contexto de educación superior mediante la ejecución de un estudio psicométrico con estudiantes entre 18 y 25 años de edad. Sujetos y método. Participaron 752 estudiantes universitarios de Quito-Ecuador en edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 25 años de edad, de los cuales 498 (66.2%) son de género femenino y 254 (33.8%) de género masculino. Como reactivo se propuso una escala para valorar las funciones ejecutivas en auto reporte. Resultados. El análisis factorial exploratorio reportó una organización de 8 funciones ejecutivas que explican el 57% de la varianza del constructo (p = < .001). Se obtuvo un adecuado nivel de fiabilidad entre α = .70 y .86, se eliminó un factor puesto que su nivel de confiabilidad fue muy bajo y no mejoraba ante ningún procedimiento estadístico. La correlación entre los factores propuestas fue adecuada en una magnitud mediana r = .67 y .39. Conclusión. Los resultados exponen que la escala propuesta está basada en situaciones de la vida cotidiana del estudiante, este diseño de escala permite identificar situaciones tanto patológicas como condiciones que afecten la calidad de vida y desenvolvimiento en el ámbito universitario. Además, los indicadores psicométricos aportan evidencia en favor de su uso fiable en el contexto universitario.

Modelos De Organización Cerebral: Un Recorrido Neuropsicológico

Desde siempre ha existido un interés por comprender cómo funciona el cerebro humano su relación con el comportamiento y cognición. Un acercamiento que busca solucionar esta intriga radica en la propuesta de modelos de organización cerebral que tratan de explicar cómo es el trabajo de la masa encefálica. En tal sentido, en este artículo se propone una revisión teórica de los principales modelos. Jackson propone una teoría en donde se consideran tres niveles de estructura cerebral: nivel inferior o medular, nivel medio y nivel superior. McLean postula la existencia de tres cerebros: reptil, paloemamífero/límbico y neo- córtex. El modelo de Wernicke-Geschwind manifiesta la interacción de la estructuras del lenguaje en favor del funcionamiento cerebral. El modelo de organización cerebral de Luria resalta el rol interactivo de tres unidades funcionales: primera, encargada de regular el tono y vigilia; segunda, recibe, procesa y almacena la información; y la tercera, planifica, monitoriza y verifica la actividad mental y comportamental. Esta revisión deja en evidencia la alta complejidad inmersa en el trabajo del cerebro humano. Se cierra este artículo resaltando la necesidad de realizar investigación que pueda generar evidencia empírica en favor de la comprensión de la eficacia de cada uno de los modelos descritos en este trabajo..

The Fear Of Learning Statistics In Latin America: Computational Solutions

In Latin American countries, it has been noticed that a high percentage of university students experience negative feelings such as fear, rejection, and inadequate beliefs about the contents taught in statistical courses,resulting in avoidant behaviors towards their learning and student’s low performance. The majority of students are able to obtain the minimum grade required to pass the subject, but, in the end, they do not obtain significant knowledge. This fact has caused many professions in Latin American countries, especially those related to social and human sciences, to show a scientific delay. It is identifiable by the low rankings achieved by these countries in scientific production. In this context, this work focuses on the solutions that computerscience offers and must be considered to improve the experience of learning statistics. In this sense, misconceptions, avoidant behaviors, and negative beliefs towards learning statistics, would be reverted for students and future professionals, as well as the improvement of inappropriate emotional reactions about learning statistical skills. Thanks to technological advances, for example, applications and social networks, which nowadays determine Latin American university student’s daily-life behavior.

Technological Innovations For Executive Functions Stimulation

Executive functions are complex, high-level mental abilities associated with the frontal lobe brain function. These skills have been described as the inhibitory control ability, working memory, cognitive flexibility, planning, monitoring, among others. One of the most important skills of executive functioning is the ability to control behavior and cognition. Its adequate stimulation level is key to this process, highlighting the importance of generating motivational elements for the work and development of these mental skills, as proposed in the context of technological development. In this context, this article proposes a review of the main technological innovations that are currently available for stimulation.

Moderator Role of Monitoring in the Inhibitory Control of Adolescents with Adhd

Objective: The aim of this research was to analyze the role of monitoring in the causal relationship between inhibitory control and symptoms of combined ADHD. Method: It has been conducted a quantitative investigation of two phases. Results: In the first study, a moderation model was analyzed (N = 144 adolescents with combined ADHD), where monitoring was considered as a moderating variable in the causal relationship between the inhibitory control and the symptomatology of ADHD F(3, 140) = 28.03, p < .001; R2 = .37. In the second study, the model through an experimental study was tested (N = 52 adolescents with and without ADHD) where it was found that adolescents with ADHD improve in their inhibitory control when they receive external support to the monitoring F(1, 50) = 21.38, p < .001, η2 = .30. Conclusion: Results suggest that monitoring compensates the poor performance of inhibitory control in adolescents with ADHD, which is a contribution to the theoretical construction of ADHD and to the treatments proposed for this condition because it goes beyond the classic conception of a causality chain among the deficit of inhibitory control and ADHD symptomatology to propose a new explanation about this disorder, where neuropsychology intervention of monitoring would diminish ADHD’s symptomatology impact on adolescents.

Escala reducida para valorar el sentido se coherencia: Soc 15

Introduction: The sense of coherence is a construct of health that allows the individual to face difficult situations of life. It is configured by three factors: meaning, understanding and management. As a method of assessment of this construct, has been proposed the SOC scale with 29 items in its original version. Objective: The objective of this study is to propose a reduced SOC scale . Methods: We worked with a sample of 445 healthy participants from Quito-Ecuador, 145 men (32.5%) and 300 women (67.4%). Results: It was obtained that the reduced scale of 15 items presents an adequate internal consistency in its three factors: understanding α= .74, management α= .82 and meaning α= .82. In the confirmatory factor analysis, an acceptable adjustment of the reduced model was found (SOC - 15 ) x = 317.90, DF= 87, p= &lt;. 001, CFI= .92, RMSEA= .07 (.06-.08) and SRMR= .04. Conclusions: The data is discussed in relation to the benefits of counting with a reduced scale for its future application in the clinical and health scientific context. © 2019 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.